Thursday, December 20, 2012

Other family pictures

Just hanging out
Our special delivery
Hanging out with Uncle Mike
Family portrait at Bill Grays in Penfield
Got your nose Grandpa!

6 month update

Snuggle time with Mamma

Small 6 month update
Kaylee we just love little moments like this with you.  Moments that you will probably never remember, but they are so special to your mom and I.  We love holding you until you fall asleep and that you are so snuggly.  I love that you still somewhat like to hold my finger with your whole hand.   Though this is fading fast cause you are moving around so much now you don't like to sit still anymore.  I'll miss the hand holding.

Lately you have been learning how to give mamma and I kisses.  Its the cutest thing in the world.

You are now 6 months old too.  The time is just flying by.  The doctor said you are doing great, and socially you are very advanced.  Makes sense given that you love staring at things intently.  You love passing toys from one hand to the other.  You've even been able to get your binky back in your own mouth!  Yay!!!! :-D

You are now learning how to sit up  on your own (and lots of falling over).  You can now roll over either side.  I think it depends on your mood which way you want to roll.

You are still currently sleeping in the rock and play (small craddle like thing).  For a blanket you loveuse the Angry Birds blanket Liz K got you.  But you are getting too big for it with your feet almost over the edge.  We want to transisition you to the crib soon.

Your favorite toys at the moment are.
1. Sophie the Giraffe
2. Your jumper
3. The sing along thing uncle Mike bought you.
4. The hollow ball with the rings on it that you can easily grip

Tuesday, December 11, 2012